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Endometritis Treatment

Endometritis Treatment
Endometritis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the womb and is always the result of infection. It may be acute or chronic. The acute or recent infection is manifested by sudden appearance of pain in the lower part of the abdomen, a feeling of pressure in the rectum and bladder, and a desire to urinate frequently.

The patient has high fever, rapid pulse, headache, chills and a general sick feeling, sometimes nausea and vomiting.

It may follow gonorrheal or other germ infections, or be caused by certain treatments like cauterization of a lacerated cervix, radium or X-ray treatments, incomplete abortion, or contraceptive pessaries introduced into the womb but not by the rubber diaphragms.

The discharge is at first slight, but after a few days it becomes profuse. The treatment in acute endometritis at present is by sulfa and penicillin. Tablets of 100.000 units of penicillin are given by mouth every 3 hours alternately with sulfadiazine 71/2 grain tablets, at the same time give large quantities of liquids adding 1/2 teaspoonful of baking soda to the drinks 3 or 4 times a day.

The patient is propped up in bed in a halfsitting posture. An ice bag is applied to the lowest part of the abdomen, changing it from side to side, and to the center, every half hour. As soon as the fever is down, hot applications should be used instead of cold, and hot douches twice a day are also given.

A tablespoonful of salt or boric acid to a quart of water is used for douching, and the nozzle is to be inserted no further than an inch or two. Tablets ergotrate, 1/320 of a grain, are given every four hours if there is bleeding or blood spotting.

While there is fever, the patient should be kept on a liquid diet; plenty of water, milk and water half and half, eggnogs, strained thin cereal and fruit juices should be given. As soon as the fever is down, the diet should be gradually increased to the full, wellnourishing kind, supplemented by the following prescription:

Liver, Iron and Red Bone Marrow (Armour) 8 ounces Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice a day, after lunch and after dinner.
In chronic endometritis there is always a heavy disagreeable discharge with chronic backaches and headaches, frequent urination, and irregular bleeding.

It also is sometimes caused by an old gonorrheal infection, but most often by the streptococcus and other pus germs, and it is very often caused by the colon bacillus, Trichomona parasite or a mixture of the last named.

Except the gonorrheal type, which is always a personal contact infection, all the other infections are the result of carelessness in personal hygiene. Don't walk barefooted and then go to bed with the germladen feet unwashed.

Don't walk barefooted at any time. Never sit on the floor, no matter how cleanlooking or well carpeted it is. Never wash the rectum by a forward motion, and thus infect the vaginal opening. Don't flush the toilet while you are on the toilet seat.

Don't take a tub bath unless you have thoroughly washed the rectum with plenty of soap and water, and wash the tub well before it is filled with water. If you do not take the above precautions, you will sooner or later develop an infectious discharge, which will in turn travel upward, into the opening of the womb (cervix), and then spread to the inner lining of the womb producing chronic endometritis.

The treatment of this chronic condition consists of hot douches, as for the acute condition above, and improved personal hygiene. Always carry a small tampon of absorbent cotton in the vaginal opening, discard it after using the toilet and insert a fresh piece of cotton every time.

The cotton drains and absorbs the discharge preventing the soiling of clothes, irritation and reinfection. The bowels must be kept clean daily. The diet must be balanced and wellnourishing. Plenty of sleep, and fresh air day and night must be secured. The same tonic recommended for the acute endometritis should be taken.

In all cases a laboratory examination of a specimen of the discharge ought to be had. A couple of disinfectant treatments of the cervix by silver compound applications done by a doctor will hasten the cure of chronic endometritis. A course of penicillin treatment should be taken in every case.


Endometriosis is an affection of the female pelvic organs, characterized by swellings in and around the womb caused by the implantation of tissue cells from the inner lining of the womb into the surrounding tissues.

 Endometriosis is caused by obstruction to the free menstrual flow on account of faulty position of the womb or cysts and tumors, or it can be caused by tests performed on the womb.

Some cases clear up without treatment, others clear up at the menopause. Severe cases, in which the swellings get larger and gives rise to much suffering, will need an operation.

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